Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hearing From the Silenced Part III (Felons)

In the U.S no felon that is doing time in jail has the right to vote. In some states ex-felons depending on the crime they committed can or can't vote, some states dont allow ex-felons no matter the crime, to vote. "In three Southern states the numbers are more stark: In Florida, 23 percent of the voting-age black population can't vote because of a felony record; in Kentucky it's 22 percent; and in Virginia it's 20 percent. Taken together, one in five blacks living in those three states is disenfranchised." ( As proved in this quote non-white people are most affected by this felon disenfranchisement."One out of four black men go to jail in this country".( Some even say that felon disenfranchisement is a modern attempt to suppress black vote. Also some say that the people who created the laws and passed them based the laws on crimes that blacks would more likely commit than whites would. 

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